Hoaxes, Humbugs and Spectacles, by Mark Sloan
Hollywood Babylon II, by Kenneth Anger
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John Waters - Make Trouble 7” Vinyl Record - SIGNED
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Koi By Horimouja - Jack Mosher
Me and the Orgone: The True Story of One Man’s Sexual Awakening, by Orson Bean
Monty Python Live! Edited by Eric Idle
Night Parade of Hell Creatures: Bizarre Demonic Art by Kyosai
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Shock Value: A Tasteful Book about Bad, by John Waters - SIGNED
Something in the Blood: The Underground World of Today's Vampires, by Jeff Guinn
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Speed, by William S. Burroughs Jr.
SPOTS, by S. Clay Wilson - SIGNED
Tattoo Extremities: Artistic Focus on the Head, Hands, Neck and Feet, by Mike DeVries
Tattooed by the Family Business, by Mo Coppoletta
Tattooed: The Sociogenesis of a Body Art, by Michael Atkinson
The Body Decorated, by Victoria Ebin
The Curse of Lono, by Hunter S. Thompson & illustrated by Ralph Steadman
The First 20 Years of Monty Python, by Kim "Howard" Johnson
The Lore of Still Building: A Primer on the Production of Alcohol for for and Fuel, by K. Howard
The Marquis de Sade - The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings.
The Match! #106 - A Journal of Ethical Anarchism
The Outlaw Bible of American Art, by Alan Kaufman
The Rum Runners, by Frank W. Anderson
The Vampire - In Legend and Fact, by Basil Copper
Unglued, Tattooed & Renewed, by Sara Trollinger