Plantes Toxiques, by Georges Becker
Early Floral Engravings: All 110 Plates from the 1612 Florilegium, by Emanuel Sweerts
Animals: 1,419 Copyright-Free Illustrations of Mammals, Birds, Fish, Insects, etc.
The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer, edited by Willi Kurth
The Book of Kells: Reproductions from the Manuscript in Trinity College Dublin
Everybody's Favorite Duck, by Gahan Wilson - SIGNED with sketch
Gray's Anatomy, by Dr. Henry Gray F.R.S.
Souvenirs from Hell: Paper Offerings in Hong Kong, edited by Kyoichi Tsuzuki
The Wonder: Portraits of a Remembered City Volume 3, by Tony Fitzpatrick
Puro Muerto, by La Mano Press
Day of the Dead Folk Art, by Stevie Mack and Kitty Williams
Divine Excess: Mexican Ultra-Baroque, by Ichiro Ono
Folk Art in Hungarian Cemeteries, by Erno Kunt
Figure Fantasy: The Pop Culture Photography of Daniel Picard
Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to the Comic Book Universe, by Tim Leong
The Fantastic Kingdom: A Collection of Illustrations from the Golden Days of Storytelling
Strange Days: Aliens, Adventurers, Devils, and Dames, edited by Arnie & Cathy Fenner
Brushfire: Illuminations from the Inferno, by Wayne Barlowe
Gahan Wilson’s America, by Gahan Wilson - SIGNED
Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner – Folios: Scott 1837, Paton 1863, Dore 1876
Metamorphoses. Ever-Changing Characters: More Than 200 Combinations
The Fantastic Art of Vienna, by Alessandra Comini
Frida Kahlo and San Francisco, by Circe Henestrosa & Gannit Ankori
Edward Hopper: Portraits of America, by Wieland Schmied