The Souls of Purgatory: The Spiritual Diary of a Seventeenth-Century Afro-Peruvian Mystic, Ursula de
Symbols of Freemasonry, by Daniel Beresniak
The Positive Approach to Card Reading Via Astrology, by Merlin Arthur
Witchcraft and pre-Columbian Paper (Brujerías y Papel Precolombino), by Christensen & Marti
The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants, by Eros Urides (A Martian)
The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster, edited & revised by Sapere Aude
Highlights of Tarot, by Builders of the Adytum/School of Ageless Wisdom
The Children of Light: Father Abraham on the Fulfilment of a Prophecy, compiled by David Davidson
Trance, Healing, and Hallucination: Three Field Studies in Religious Experience, by Goodman...
The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, by Sir James George Frazer
The Crop Circle Enigma, by Ralph Noyes & Busty Taylor - SIGNED x2
Strange Superstitions and Magical Practices, by William J. Fielding
Kreskin’s Super Secrets, by The Amazing Kreskin - Plus Bonus
Houdini's Spirit World, Dunninger's Psychic Revelations
My Best, by J. G. Thompson, Jr.
Successful Conjuring, by Anon (Norman Hunter)
The Egyptian Book of the Dead: (The Papyrus of Ani) Egyptian Text, Transliteration, and Translation
Mysticism, by Evelyn Underhill
Dictionary of Mysticism, edited by Frank Gaynor
Predictions - Fact or Fallacy? by Hans Holzer
Eusapia Palladino and Her Phenomena, by Hereward Carrington (1909)
The Invisibles: An Explanation of Phenomena Commonly Called Spiritual, by M. J. Williamson (1867)
Spiritism and Psychology, by Théodore Flournoy (1911)
Psychic Phenomena Unveiled: Confessions of a New Age Warlock, by John Anderson