Sacred Dance: Encounter with the Gods, by Maria-Grabiele Wosien
Ancient Egyptian Magic for Modern Witches: Rituals, Meditations, and Magical Tools, by Ellen Reed
Witches and Witchcraft, by Jeremy Kingston
Anton LaVey - Look Magazine, 1971
Taboo: Sex, Religion and Magick, by Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D. & Lon Milo DuQuette
The History of the Devil, Ancient and Modern...With a Description of the Devil's Dwelling, by DeFoe
Visions of Heaven & Hell Before Dante, edited by Eileen Gardiner
Mephistopheles: The Devil in the Modern World, by Jeffrey Burton Russell
Satan: The Early Christian Tradition, by Jeffrey Burton Russell
The Satanic Scriptures, by Peter H. Gilmore
Diary of a Drug Fiend, by Aleister Crowley
Symbols of Freemasonry, by Daniel Beresniak
Witchcraft and pre-Columbian Paper (Brujerías y Papel Precolombino), by Christensen & Marti
The Book of Spells, by Nicola de Pulford
The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster, edited & revised by Sapere Aude
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Unmasking the Devil: Strategies to Defeat Eternity's Greatest Enemy, by John Ramirez
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