Books - Astrology / Tarot / Divination / Palmistry / Dreams

Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, by Sheila Ostrander, and Lynn Schroeder

Rune Games, by Marijane Osborn and Stella Longland

Runic Astrology: Starcraft and Timekeeping in the Northern Tradition, by Nigel Pennick

Runelore: A Handbook of Esoteric Runology, by Edred Thorsson

Rune Might: The Secret Practices of the German Rune Magicians, by Edred Thorsson

Taking Up the Runes: A Complete Guide to Using Runes in Spells, Rituals, Divination, and Magic

Rune Power: The Secret Knowledge of the Wise Ones, by Kenneth Meadows

The Aquarian Rune Pack, by Anthony Clark - Boxed Set

Rune Dice, by Donald Tyson - Boxed Set

The Runes Pack, by Horik Svensson - Boxed Set

The Positive Approach to Card Reading Via Astrology, by Merlin Arthur

An Introduction to Astrology, by William Lilly / A Grammar of Astrology, by Zadkiel

The Children of Light: Father Abraham on the Fulfilment of a Prophecy, compiled by David Davidson

The Faeries' Oracle, by Brian Froud - SIGNED with SKETCH

Strange Superstitions and Magical Practices, by William J. Fielding

Houdini's Spirit World, Dunninger's Psychic Revelations

The Egyptian Book of the Dead: (The Papyrus of Ani) Egyptian Text, Transliteration, and Translation

Mysticism, by Evelyn Underhill

Dictionary of Mysticism, edited by Frank Gaynor

Predictions - Fact or Fallacy? by Hans Holzer

Mantic Message Mat - Print

Eusapia Palladino and Her Phenomena, by Hereward Carrington (1909)

The Invisibles: An Explanation of Phenomena Commonly Called Spiritual, by M. J. Williamson (1867)

Spiritism and Psychology, by Théodore Flournoy (1911)