Books - Death and Dying

Where Are They Buried? How Did They Die? by Tod Benoit

Souvenirs from Hell: Paper Offerings in Hong Kong, edited by Kyoichi Tsuzuki

Puro Muerto, by La Mano Press

Day of the Dead Folk Art, by Stevie Mack and Kitty Williams

Folk Art in Hungarian Cemeteries, by Erno Kunt

The Space of Death - A Study of Funerary Architecture, Decoration, and Urbanism, by Michel Ragon

Forest Lawn: The First 100 Years - DVD

The Souls of Purgatory: The Spiritual Diary of a Seventeenth-Century Afro-Peruvian Mystic, Ursula de

The Last Things - Concerning Death, Purification after Death, Resurrection, Judgment and Eternity

The Appointed Hour: Death, Worldview, and Social Change in Brittany, by Ellen Badone

Vintage Post-Mortem Mourning Photo - Elie Claytare (Grandpa)