Among the Thugs, by Bill Buford
The Most Dangerous Man in America: Timothy Leary, Richard Nixon and the Hunt for the Fugitive...
On Man & Nature, by Henry David Thoreau
Anton LaVey - Look Magazine, 1971
The Vampire - In Legend and Fact, by Basil Copper
Something in the Blood: The Underground World of Today's Vampires, by Jeff Guinn
Classic Tattoo Stencils 2: More Designs in Acetate, by Cliff White
Classic Flash 2: In Five Bold Colors, by Jeromey "Tilt" McCulloch
Disenos y Pinturas Orientales - Volumen II
Night Parade of Hell Creatures: Bizarre Demonic Art by Kyosai
Dream Spectres 2: Kabuki Nightmares: Ukiyo-e Ghosts, Magic & Mayhem
SPOTS, by S. Clay Wilson - SIGNED
Diary of a Drug Fiend, by Aleister Crowley
The First 20 Years of Monty Python, by Kim "Howard" Johnson
Monty Python Live! Edited by Eric Idle
Unglued, Tattooed & Renewed, by Sara Trollinger
Tattoo Extremities: Artistic Focus on the Head, Hands, Neck and Feet, by Mike DeVries
Animal Ink: Exploring the World's Wildlife Through Tattoo Art, by Mike DeVries
Tattooed by the Family Business, by Mo Coppoletta
Bad Boys and Tough Tattoos: A Social History of the Tattoo with Gangs, Sailors, and Street-Corner...
Bodies of Inscription: A Cultural History of the Modern Tattoo Community, by Margo DeMello
Tattooed: The Sociogenesis of a Body Art, by Michael Atkinson
The Body Decorated, by Victoria Ebin
The Marquis de Sade - The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings.