Dancing with Demons: The Music's Real Master, by Jeff Godwin

Dancing with Demons: The Music's Real Master, by Jeff Godwin. 1988 softcover. 352 pages, very nice condition.
More great Satanic Panic stuff…this time from the legendary Chick Publications! If you think Heavy Metal is the only music Satan uses, think again. The Metal Monsters that Godwin exposes in his first book, The Devil's Disciples, are just one example of Lucifer as "The Music's Real Master." In Dancing with Demons, Godwin shows Satan's involvement in "Christian" Rock, Rap, "safe" secular pop, and Contemporary Christian music. The valuable information in this book reveals the true master of some of the biggest names in both rock and "Christian" music. THIS IS PURE GOLD.
The author, Jeff Godwin is a Christian fundamentalist preacher and author from Bloomington, Indiana, USA. He is best known for his numerous books critical of both secular and Christian rock music. Godwin is a former drug addict and rock musician.