Diary of a Drug Fiend, by Aleister Crowley

Diary of a Drug Fiend, by Aleister Crowley. Circa 1970s Dove Press Hardcover. 368 pages, very nice condition.
A beautiful reprint edition Crowley's famous novel dealing with the subject of heroin and cocaine addiction. This edition, considered by many one of the most attractive editions of this title, was a joint publishing venture between Samuel Weiser Publishing and the Dove Press, with which Kenneth Anger was associated.
“Diary of a Drug Fiend,” originally published in 1922, was occult writer and mystic Aleister Crowley’s first published novel, and is also reportedly the earliest known reference to the Abbey of Thelema in Sicily. The story is widely thought to be based upon Crowley’s own drug experiences, despite being written as a fiction. This seems almost conclusively confirmed by Crowley’s statement in the novel’s preface: “This is a true story. It has been rewritten only so far as was necessary to conceal personalities.” Crowley’s own recreational drug use and also his personal struggle with drug addiction, particularly heroin, is well documented.