Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, by Sheila Ostrander, and Lynn Schroeder
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, by Sheila Ostrander, and Lynn Schroeder. 1971 paperback. 457 pages, very nice condition.
A true classic. The most important 'spaceflight' ever: to man's unknown powers. The Russians got there first! Read about the astonishing breakthroughs, the key personalities in the psychic research laboratories of Soviet Russia, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia - laboratories created and supported by the Russian government. 'Artificial reincarnation' has been mastered! Hypnosis induced by telepathy! Telekinesis ('mind over matter') filmed - Behind the Iron Curtain. A new Soviet dowsing rod! Bulgarian Suggestology! Astrological birth control! The almost unbelievable machine that photographs the human 'aura' - incredible new inventions - Behind the Iron Curtain. Plus fascinating encounters with Russia's scientifically tested psychics, and much more