Roger Corman: An Unauthorized Life, by Beverly Gray - SIGNED

Roger Corman: An Unauthorized Life, by Beverly Gray. 2004 softcover. 318 pages, very nice condition. SIGNED.
Roger Corman reigns supreme as the godfather of independent filmmaking. Since 1954, he has produced 400-plus movies on shoestring budgets, blending action, sex, humor, and social message into hip (and profitable) entertainments. He has also demonstrated an uncanny eye for talent, launching the Hollywood careers of Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda, Martin Scorsese, Jonathan Demme, and James Cameron, to name just a few. Thanks to a campaign supported by generations of grateful alumni, he was honored with an Oscar in 2009. It was a fitting valedictory, but Corman himself is still going strong, churning out monster mash-ups like "Sharktopus" and promoting them via today's social media. Beverly Gray served as Corman's story editor for nearly a decade.
Through far-reaching conversations with over 100 fellow Cormanites, she takes you behind the cameras for an insider's look at the man and the mogul. Gray's work has been hailed by critics like Steven Gaydos, Executive Editor of Weekly Variety, who wrote, "Beverly Gray's terrific bio of Corman explains his colorful career both as an amazing business tale and a strange, even mournful, personal journey. A development exec for Corman for many years, Gray knows both the business side of the low-budget mogul and something of Corman's almost-forgotten high-minded soul."