The Anatomy of a Homosexual, by Lee Dorian

The Anatomy of a Homosexual, by Lee Dorian. 1965 first printing paperback. 192 pages, very nice condition.
WHY does the homosexual marry?
WHY is he considered a criminal?
WOULD he change if he could?
A book that answers the questions most people hesitate to ask!
Psychiatrists have accused the “wife swap” clubs as growing out of the latent homosexuality of the husbands involved. Other authorities have said only latently homosexual husbands could have stood idly by while their wives made “pin money” by prostituting in a good Long Island suburb. A case that recently rocked the nation included a highly placed government official with a wife and six children. Why are many top athletes homosexual? What is the incidence of homosexuality in our prisons and reform schools? Are homosexuals made that way by their environment, or are they born that way? What is it that the homosexual seeks in his lonely misfit life? Would he change if he could? Psychiatrists say, “No!” But…why?