The Aquarian Guide to Native American Mythology, by Page Byrant

The Aquarian Guide to Native American Mythology, by Page Byrant

The Aquarian Guide to Native American Mythology, by Page Byrant. 1991 softcover. 174 pages, very nice condition.

A great reference book of American Indian culture, beautifully illustrated by visionary artist Scott Guynup, with a foreword by Sun Bear, the great Chippewa Medicine Man. This comprehensive collection of tradition and myths gives a complete overview of Native American culture including the major tribes and their territories, lifestyles, dwellings, clothing, ceremonial objects, spiritual and celestial awareness, beliefs and religious practices. The most famous ceremonials are also covered in depth, with details of dances, pipe ceremonies and prayers. Biographical details of major personalities, heroes, statesmen and warriors are listed, together with a history of the tribal wars, battles and political alliances.