The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants, by Eros Urides (A Martian)

The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants, by Eros Urides (A Martian). 1956 stapled softcover. 37 pages, nice condition.
This one is a beauty…science fiction, psychic revelations, and Christianity! Dictated through the mediumship of J. L. Kennon, Eros Urides describes his beautiful Martian home world where loving Martians, living the Christ-Life, enjoy a perfect utopian society devoid of political systems. Earth is becoming a menace to neighboring planets, and the Martians are concerned. Rather than send invading fleets of heat-ray wielding giant tripods, however, the Martians want to help and put us back on the Heavenly Father’s path. Eros Urides, a dead Martian from the City of Urid (which is located adjacent to a reservoir just north of the Mars equator), has sent his spirit as an envoy, to enlighten the millions of God's children on Earth who are enthralled by darkness. The book explores the philosophical and spiritual aspects of Martian life, emphasizing themes of universal peace, love, and the interconnectedness of life across planets. This might be humanity’s only hope…so ignore it at your own risk. Originally written in the 1920s, it is nice to see that this gem has endured to at least 1956.