Vintage Tijuana Bibles

Tijuana bibles (also known as eight-pagers) were palm-sized pornographic comic books produced in the United States from the 1920s to the early 1960s. Their popularity peaked during the Great Depression era. Most Tijuana bibles were obscene parodies of popular newspaper comic strips of the day, such as "Blondie," "Moon Mullins," "Popeye," "Dick Tracy," and "Little Orphan Annie.” Others made use of characters based on popular movie stars, and sports stars of the day, such as Mae West, Clark Gable and Jean Harlow, sometimes with names thinly changed. Before World War II, almost all the stories were humorous and frequently were cartoon versions of well-known dirty jokes that had been making the rounds for decades. These parodies of comic characters directly influenced the creators of Mad Magazine as well as Robert Crumb and the Underground Comics revolution of the 1970's.
We have 5 different ones available:
J. Wellington Wimpy in “Back to His First Love” – 1930s 3-color first printing: SOLD
Jean Harlo’ in The Red Head: 1930s 2-color first printing: $50
Gertie Smellysnatch presents Boots in “Too Good” – 1940s or 50s reprint: SOLD
Dixie Dugan in “Tell Me Another” – 1940s or 50s reprint: $20
Cedric Bowelrust presents Dick Tracy in “Missing” – 1940s or 50s reprint: $20
To purchase, click the Big Cartel link in our bio...available for shipping or instore pickup.
#tijuanabibles #dicktracy #jeanharlow #popeye #dixiedugan