When We Were Maakies, by Tony Millionaire

When We Were Maakies, by Tony Millionaire. 2004 first edition hardcover. 96 pages, very nice condition.
Reading Maakies is like reading a beautifully illustrated diary. If you pay attention you can watch the evolution of the cartoonist as he grows from a drunken penniless ne'e'r-do-well to a drunken million-dollar-less som'tim's-do-well. This book collects the latest of Tony Millionaire's weekly strips, and includes such gems as the story of a pregnant butterfly,a motorcycle-riding leprechaun and a worm who lives inside the bowels of a frozen dead monkey in a NASA space capsule orbiting the Orion constellation. Of course Drinky Crow, as always, steals the show. 12”x4” elongated hardcover format.
Millionaire draws in a lush style that mingles naturalistic detail with strong doses of the fanciful and grotesque. His linework resembles that of Johnny Gruelle, whom he cites as one of his main sources of inspiration, along with Ernest Shepard and "all those freaks from the twenties and thirties who did the newspaper strips"; many of Millionaire's admirers adduce a similarity to the work of E. C. Segar in particular. Millionaire has won multiple Harvey and Eisner Awards and Maakies has appeared as a series of animated segments on NBC's Saturday Night Live. He is also the creator of the popular Sock Monkey line of comics and children's books.