Aliens over America: 12 Fantastic Books Reviewed Including Interviews with Authors - SIGNED

Aliens over America: 12 Fantastic Books Reviewed Including Interviews with Authors, by Timothy Guy. 2000 first edition softcover. 258 pages, very nice condition. SIGNED.
What is it about the twelve “fantastic” books that rate a worthy mention? They are a sign of our times. From the humorous review of Art Bell’s late night talk show to the terrifying End Time outline of The Late Great Planet Earth, these stories and their authors provide us with an illuminating tour of the greatest appearance of a cosmic consciousness into society’s thinking. Features Art Bell, Jim Keith, Whitley Streiber, Hal Lindsey, and more.
I read the best UFO/Paranormal books on 12 different topics -- reviewed the books, then captured interviews with the authors and/or people involved with the stories. The ultimate question addressed: UFOs: Good or Bad? Some authors say: they are good. Others insist, that they are agents of satan!