God's Time Capsule: The Great Pyramid and Sphinx of Giza Egypt - Volume II, by Ralph Lyman - SIGNED

God's Time Capsule: The Great Pyramid and Sphinx of Giza Egypt - Volume II, by Ralph Lyman - SIGNED

God's Time Capsule: The Great Pyramid and Sphinx of Giza Egypt - Volume II, by Ralph Lyman. 2013 first edition softcover. 158 pages, nice condition. SIGNED by the author.

In this second volume of two, an ancient zodiac astronomically dates the Sphinx and Great Pyramid to pre-dynastic times. The meaning – or riddle of the Sphinx, its message, and author are explained. The Great Pyramid is revealed to hold a chronograph of dates encoded by God; He is prophesying events before they occur, just as He does in the bible, and now in the Great Pyramid – the Bible in stone. The fully supported conclusions are surprising and informative, beyond what anyone could imagine. This volume is visually impactful including charts, drawings, maps, photographs, and plates, many of which were drawn by the author. Identified are the chronograph dates of Adam’s Fall; Noah’s Flood; the birth, baptism and death of Christ; the beginning and end dates of World War I, and the Great Depression. Defined, as well, are dates that identify prophetic Biblical cycles. they include when the 1,000-year days of God begin and end, the start date for the Day of the Lord, and the Jubilee Cycle of God running from the Flood to the beginning of the Day of the Lord.

A short but highly technical work filled with diagrams and photos (and even a few geometry proofs), this book is of interest as part of a debate about the purpose and design of the Great Pyramid, a subject about which the author has very strong and very striking views. Additionally, the author has a lot of measurements and calculations upon which his opinions are based, including a high degree of command in the relevant bibliography concerning the Great Pyramid in particular. One of the most striking facts about the Great Pyramid that this book makes very obvious is that both the Great Pyramid and to a lesser extent the Second Pyramid are heavily mathematical in nature. They are of much greater architectural skill than the pyramids built during the time of the IV Dynasty (Cheops and Khafre), and show an extremely great awareness of the size of the earth, position of true north, and the relationship between the area of squares and the circumference of circles