Predictions - Fact or Fallacy? by Hans Holzer

Predictions - Fact or Fallacy? by Hans Holzer. 1969 paperback. 160 pages, very nice condition.
Parapsychologist Hans Holzer, a noted authority on ESP and psychic phenomena, presents evidence of remarkable glimpses into the future that have come unsought to men and women – glimpses that may force man to re-examine his concepts of past, present, and future. Holzer also shows us how the gift of prophecy lies within all of us – how we, too, can open the doors of tomorrow.
Hans Holzer, whose investigations into the paranormal took him to haunted houses and other sites all over the world, wrote more than 140 books on ghosts, the afterlife, witchcraft, extraterrestrial beings, and other phenomena associated with the realm he called “the other side.” Among his famous subjects was the Long Island house that inspired The Amityville Horror book and film adaptations. Holzer studied at the University of Vienna, Austria, and at Columbia University, New York, earning a master’s degree in comparative religion. He taught parapsychology at the New York Institute of Technology, and died in 2009.