Psychic Phenomena Unveiled: Confessions of a New Age Warlock, by John Anderson

Psychic Phenomena Unveiled: Confessions of a New Age Warlock, by John Anderson and Rich Monk. 1991 softcover. 202 pages, very nice condition.
He was Helias, high priest of a Los Angeles occult group called the Blood Order, and he led them in shouts of “Hail Satan!” in candlelight ceremonies and rituals. Here, he describes the trickery behind New Age miracles - he walked on hot coals, stopped his heart, and provided psychic readings for Hollywood celebrities. He explains why he is now on a mission to expose these charlatans as frauds and denounce their agenda to recruit new members from the ranks of the homeless, the depressed, and the lonely. This is also his story about the boyhood pursuit of the bizarre and the indoctrination into the deception of Satanism as an adult.