Sex Without Fear, by S. A. Lewin M.D. & John Gilmore Ph.D

Sex Without Fear, by S. A. Lewin M.D. & John Gilmore Ph.D. 1951 hardcover. 121 pages, very nice condition.
Honestly, a fantastic vintage book on the subject, stocked full of better illustrations than you’d expect from this era.
From the introduction: There have been many excellent books written on the subject of sex and marriage. Unfortunately, however, a great many of them are written in language easily understood only by people with a college education or a medical degree. The authors have become increasingly aware of the anxiety on the part of most young couples to build their married life on a firm foundation. They have been besieged with questions, led into endless discussions, pursued with requests for "a book I can understand," "something clear but simple," etc. After a careful survey of the available literature, they decided to prepare this volume, couched in layman's terms, fully illustrated with simple, yet medically correct illustrations, with a comprehensive glossary…yet covering every necessary aspect of sex and sex relationships. This book is addressed primarily to the young couple just starting married life. To them, the authors say: Study yourself and your partner. Learn how your bodies function. Learn what causes you pleasure and how to give pleasure to each other. Above all else, be frank and open with each other. Discuss the most intimate details freely and honestly. Don't let false modesty or foolish shame cause misunderstanding, doubt and worry. Marriage must be worked at to be successful, but if approached with common sense and loving tenderness, it will yield profits beyond your dreams.