Spiritism and Psychology, by Théodore Flournoy (1911)

Spiritism and Psychology, by Théodore Flournoy. 1911 hardcover. 354 pages, very nice condition.
Théodore Flournoy (1854 – 1920) was a Swiss professor of psychology at the University of Geneva and author of books on parapsychology and spiritism. He studied a wide variety of subjects before he devoted his life to psychology. Flournoy had an interest in a very skeptical area of psychology. He did extensive observations on a participant to investigate psychical phenomena. He was the President of the Sixth International Congress of Psychology, the Chair of Experimental Psychology at the University of Geneva in 1891 and was the first professor of psychology in Europe to become a member of the Faculty of Sciences instead of the Faculty of Philosophy interest in the unconscious led him to research psychical phenomena, notably trance mediumship. Flournoy’s interest in the unconscious led him to research psychical phenomena. His book Spiritism and Psychology (1911) translated by Hereward Carrington claimed more broadly that mediumship could be explained by suggestion and telepathy from the medium's subconscious mind and that there was no evidence for the spirit hypothesis.