The Modern Method of Birth Control, by Thurston Scott Welton

The Modern Method of Birth Control, by Thurston Scott Welton. 1938 hardcover. 159 pages, very nice condition.
A great vintage manual for using the Catholic Church-approved "rhythm method" for birth control. Includes plastic Calendar Wheel and illustrated with color Charts of Regular Cycles. In Welton's The Modern Method of Birth Control, he taught what was best known about fertility awareness (NOT contraceptive use), to aid married couples. While Welton's 1930s/1940s knowledge of fertility could not match the gold standard set by Dr. Thomas Hilgers in 2010's, his forthrightness and contributions should not go overlooked. "It is advised that every woman record any and every important and unusual incident or occurrence in her intimate life. Often this proves a valuable record when medical advice is sought"