I Know the World's Worst Secret: A Child's Book about Living with an Alcoholic Parent

I Know the World's Worst Secret: A Child's Book about Living with an Alcoholic Parent, by Doris Sanford & Graci Evans. 1987 hardcover. 28 pages, very nice condition.
Sanford & Evans are back again with another banger in their Hurts of Childhood series. This one has an annoying kid who drives her mother to drink. She shows up to her daughter’s school wasted, drives drunk, hides booze in the toilet, and generally neglects her whiney kid. Her dad is barely mentioned except when her parents fight and hit each other. Thankfully, there’s a magic talking doll named Friend who offers religious advice and mostly just adds a strange element to this masterpiece. In the end, as is consistent with Sanford’s work, there is no real resolution and a few tips for kids that aren’t extremely helpful…but they sure tried.