Unglued, Tattooed & Renewed, by Sara Trollinger

Unglued, Tattooed & Renewed, by Sara Trollinger. 2003 softcover. 189 pages, very nice condition.
This is a follow-up companion piece to Sara Trollinger’s classic book, Unglued & Tattooed. Our lady Sara uses this book to prove how effective her last book was in turning around the wayward lives of goths, ravers, druggies, porn addicts, and gang members. It is filled with wonderful (obviously fake) stories written by teens, explaining how their lives were changed for the better by Christ and Sara’s House of Hope ministries. Each story uses the tried and true clichés of the genre: black eyeliner, promiscuity, child molestation, hairbrush insertion, free drugs, single parents, and murder/suicide! Yes, it’s a guilty pleasure and I’m not ashamed…I love stuff like this.