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Rolling Stone - June 25, 1970 - Charles Manson Cover
The Book of Spells, by Nicola de Pulford
Courting Disasters and Other Strange Affinities: Short Stories by Nina Kiriki Hoffman - SIGNED x3
Gahan Wilson – Original, Signed Bat Sketch
Life After Death, by Damien Echols - SIGNED
Master Richard's Bestiary of Love and Response, by Richard de Fournival
Little Red Riding Hood: A Casebook, by Alan Dundes
Tarzan of the Apes: Four Volumes in One, by Edgar Rice Burroughs
God's Time Capsule: The Great Pyramid and Sphinx of Giza Egypt - Volume II, by Ralph Lyman - SIGNED
Egypt: An Extraterrestrial and Time Traveler Experiment, by Dr. Bruce Goldberg - SIGNED
The Monsters: Mary Shelley and the Curse of Frankenstein, by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler
Tarot Cards for Fun and Fortune Telling, by Stuart R. Kaplan
Spiritual Midwifery (revised edition), by Ina May Gaskin
Psychic Phenomena Unveiled: Confessions of a New Age Warlock, by John Anderson
The Omega Project: Near-Death Experiences, UFO Encounters, and Mind at Large, by Kenneth Ring
Garbage Pail Kids – Camp DAZE, by R.L. Stine - SIGNED
Sweet Wishes, by Mark Ryden & Marion Peck
The Velvet Rage: Overcoming the Pain of Growing Up Gay in a Straight Man's World, by Alan Downs
Making It In Leather, by M. Vincent Hayes
The Boston Strangler, by Gerold Frank
Sold out
The Betrayal of America, by Vincent Bugliosi - SIGNED
Gene Roddenberry: The Myth and the Man Behind Star Trek, by Joel Engel - SIGNED
It Lives Again: Horror Movies in the New Millennium, by Axelle Carolyn - SIGNED x3
Cover Up: What the Government Is Still Hiding About the War on Terror, by Peter Lance - SIGNED